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This blog has been designed in order to speak about television topics. Little by little we will upgrade it with different tipes of texts.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

The death of Paco Valladares.

The actor Paco Valladares died at the age of 76,  in the afternoon of the 17th of March 2012, in his own house.

He was born in 1935 in a village near Sevilla. He started his career in the theatre, performing the person of Shakespeare.
When TVE1 started, he began working there in the radio and tv, making humor sketches...

Between 1970 and 1980, he was working in the television and the teathre, in both of them. He got really good fame as tv director and actor.

In 2008 the doctors diagnosticated him a very hard illness: leucemia, which obliged him to be out of the screen.
One year later, he explained in an interview that this was only the past. He was still good, and he was really motivated about returning to work.
Now that he is still death, one of his best friends Maria Teresa Campos, said that she knew that he was with the illness another time few days before his death.

As his clostest friends had said in the latest days, they remember him as: "Se ha muerto un hombre que tenía muchísimas ganas de vivir: Paco Valladares".

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